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Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru
5,356 2 0

Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru

"Kukuku ....... He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings." I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden
10K 3 3

"Kukuku ....... He is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings." I was dismissed from my job, but somehow I became the master of a hero and a holy maiden

The Great Wizard of the Library
2,949 2 2

The Great Wizard of the Library

The villianous queen wants to level up
5,344 2 5

The villianous queen wants to level up

10K 3 2


Marielle Clarac's Engagement
4,591 2 2

Marielle Clarac's Engagement

Beginning of the Human Age
376 2 0

Beginning of the Human Age

Rebirth of the Butterfly Girl
539 2 0

Rebirth of the Butterfly Girl

The Snow Girl Is Melting
849 2 0

The Snow Girl Is Melting

Lonely King And Widow
1,025 2 0

Lonely King And Widow

Miss, Something’s Wrong With You
1,295 2 1

Miss, Something’s Wrong With You

The Genius Princess's Road to Becoming Empress
4,530 2 1

The Genius Princess's Road to Becoming Empress

Will the Prez be Able to Follow the School Rules Against Romance
1,046 2 0

Will the Prez be Able to Follow the School Rules Against Romance

Auto-mode Expired in the 6th Round of the Otome Game
1,182 2 0

Auto-mode Expired in the 6th Round of the Otome Game

Maou no Kawaii Yamada wa Yoiko
3,879 2 1

Maou no Kawaii Yamada wa Yoiko

I am the Male Lead’s Ex-Girlfriend
3,379 2 1

I am the Male Lead’s Ex-Girlfriend

Travelling Through the Universe's Flower
229 2 0

Travelling Through the Universe's Flower

Rapture call
1,427 2 0

Rapture call

Billionaires Are Only for You
3,743 2 3

Billionaires Are Only for You

A Queen's Law of Survival
18K 3 6

A Queen's Law of Survival

Die, Die
237 2 0

Die, Die

My Mobster Girlfriend
26K 3 11

My Mobster Girlfriend

The Strongest Banished Saintess Wants to Have a Slow Life in the City!
3,150 2 6

The Strongest Banished Saintess Wants to Have a Slow Life in the City!

Endeavor's Cross
1,707 2 0

Endeavor's Cross